Workplace Stress & Anxiety 2025-02-11 06:00:00Z 0

Rotary Minute #1

Rotary Minute #1: January 27, 2025
Rotary Minute: The Power of a $26.50 Investment
"Did you know that the Rotary Foundation—one of the most impactful charitable organizations in the world—was started with just $26.50?
Rotary Minute #1 Mark Smith 2025-02-03 06:00:00Z 0
Outbound Exchange Student Sophia Dziengel 2024-03-07 06:00:00Z 0

A Salute to the Armed Forces

Armed Forces Day at Milwaukee North Shore

Each of the five branches of the United States Armed Forces will be represented over lunch at the Four Points Sheraton during Armed Forces Week. Highlights included the importance of hiring veterans as a great way for businesses to honor those who have served.
We hope you can come and join us to honor these service men and woman. 
Thank you all for your service. You're the ultimate example of the Rotary motto, Service Above Self.
A Salute to the Armed Forces 2023-05-15 05:00:00Z 0